We would like to thank the following websites for helping us in our project. They are:
- Amazon.com [heRe] for providing with the pictures of the books under the "Quotes and Useful Phrases"
- Roald Dahl Fans.com [heRe] for providing for more useful information.
- Roald Dahl Project [heRe] for more pictures.
- Roald Dahl's Official Website [heRe]
- The Umbrella Man and Other Stories Puffin Books
- The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Oher Stories New Windmills Publishers
- Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Puffin Books
- The BFG Puffin Books
- Roald Dahl's Sociology [heRe] Although we did not use any information from here, we found this very informative and useful.
- Tripod/Lycos [heRe] for hosting our website.
and Other Books....
{hOme} | {BiOGRaPhY} | {styLe} | {quOtEs} | {his wOrks} | {BibliOgraPhy}